One recalled a story of how on my first birthday, I immediately reacted to the icing on my cake with a severe allergic reaction. We had celebrated the first birthday of a great grandchild the night before, apparently Grandpa watched with fear as I fed him icing - worried that the same result would occur.
We drove up to visit my other Grandpa, the Alzheimer's diagnosis fresh in everyone's mind. Even attempts to make light of the situation were feeble and adequately awkward, nobody is really sure just what to do with this news. My grandpa tried to high five me good-bye. So we did, and then we hugged, and then I taught him to fist bump and fly away...
Now that we know the news, we notice the differences, the subtle changes in his speech, how he lacks the correct words, forgets what is suitable for the situation. It is heart breaking. My heart aches.
I have no idea what to say to my father, I have no words for consolation. I fear that with no cure, he will face this diagnosis in later life too.
Caregivers let their health suffer when caring for someone, my Grandma has Multiple Sclerosis. Grandpa has been in charge of administering her morning needles, soon he won't be able to do that. I am concerned she will relapse. I don't think she should be caring for him at all right now. I don't think they should be separated, or need to be in care, but I think having respite or home-care would make the situation better for all involved.